Thursday 5 January 2012

Schrodinger's Cat


My name is James, most people call me Jimbo, and I have no idea how to blog...but, after some faffing about with my theme I've finally settled on it (I know its not great but it'll do) and want to start blogging...

I am an aspiring Physicist in college currently studying Maths, Physics and Chemistry A-Levels...yeah the easy stuff...and hope to attend The University of Sussex at the end of this year. Don't worry though, I'm not some typical physics nerd, I hope. I also pursue an interest in photography, a few sports and typical teenage guy stuff...

I'm not really sure what I want to post about. Probably a lot of my own photography, I may do some stuff about video games, maybe a little bit of personal life and hopefully a bit of Physics (explained sort of simply as I can) here and there, such as the origin of my blog name...

Anyway, have a good evening and I'll see you next time...

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